Remember Me

The readings are taken from Lam 2 v1-12a and Luke 22 v1-23. The reflection is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

A New Covenant

The readings are from Ex 2 v11-22 and Heb 9 v1-14. The reflection is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

God reveals Himself

The readings are taken from Gen 41 v25-45 and Gal 3 v23-47. the talk is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

Food and Fun

The reading is taken from Acts 2 v42-47 and the talk is by Mike Gillingham, Lay Reader at St James

Proclaim the Message

The readings are taken from Gen 29 from v31 and 2 Tim 4 v1-8. The reflection is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

Are we listening?

The readings are taken from Ps 95, Gen 19 v1-3, 12-29 and Matt 27 v45-56. The reflection is by Revd David Wilkie

What do we see?

The readings are taken from Gen 18 v1-15 and Matt 27 v11-26. The talk is by Revd Fabian Wuyts


The readings are Ps 108, Gen 11 v27-12.9, Matt 26 v1-16 and the reflection is by Revd David Wilkie

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