Clear out the Clutter

The readings are taken from Neh 13 15-end and 2 Cor 2 v5-end. The reflection is from Revd David Wilkie

Our God never leaves us

The readings are taken from Neh 12 from v27 and 2 Cor 1 v1-14. The reflection is by Revd Fabian Wuyts


The readings are taken from Neh 6 v1-7.4 and Rom 15-14-21. The reflection is by Revd David Wilkie

Fork in the Road

The readings are taken from Ezra 1 and Romans 9 v1-18 and the reflection is by Revd David Wilkie

‘How’s your heart?’

The readings are taken from 2 Chron 19 v1-19 and Romans 5 v1-11 and the reflection is by Revd David Wilkie

Abide in God

The readings are taken from Deut 31 and 1 John 13 v30-32 v14 and the Reflection is by Revd David Wilkie

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