Sunday Talks

The Gate of the Year

Luke 2 beginning at v41. The talk is by Mike Gillingham, Lay Reader at St James

What should we do?

The readings are taken from Ps 62 and Luke 3 beginning at v7. The Revd Fabian Wuyts asks the question!

Getting Ready

The readings are taken from Ps 75 and Luke 3 v1-6. The talk is by Nigel Bright, Church Warden at St James

Riding the Storm

The readings are taken from Ps 25 v1-10 and Luke 21 v25-36. The talk is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

A Safe Community

The readings are taken from Rom 12 v9-21 and Matt 18 v1-14. The talk is by Mike Gillingham, Lay Reader at St James

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