Be ready to give an answer

Our readings today are taken from 1 Peter 3 v 13-17 and The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 10 v 30-44 and the talk is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

Go and make disciples

The readings are taken from Matt 28 from v16 and Acts 18 v1-11 and the talk is by Revd Fabian Wuyts

His Name is Jesus

The readings are taken from Is 7 v10-18 and Matt 1 v18-25 and the talk is by Nic Tall, Lay Reader at St James

Be Discerning

The readings are taken from Matt 25 v 31-46 and Ezek 34 v 11-16 and v 20-24. The talk is by Mike Gillingham, Lay Reader at St James

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