Supporting us

St James Church is funded primarily by its members. We do not receive funding from the Church of England or the Government. We appreciate donations that visitors make to our funds.

It costs around £160,000 each year to run the church. Much of this is for paid staff and the running of the premises, both of which enable us to provide many services and groups for a wide range of people. What the accounts don’t show is the huge amount of time and effort that is given voluntarily by our members, which, if we had to pay for it would treble the amount of money needed. Around 10% of our income goes towards supporting mission partners, and again, this is more than matched by the time and effort put in by church members into the local organisations we support

Regular Financial Support

We encourage church members to give regularly via Standing Order. Please contact our Planned Giving Officer if you are new to St James and would like to support the church in this way. Some people prefer to give larger donations less frequently, and we are happy to accommodate that. Together, we refer to this source of giving as our Stewardship Scheme, recognising that we are stewards of the good things that God has given to us.

Gift Aid increases the value of donations by 25%, and we encourage everyone in the Stewardship Scheme who pays Income Tax to complete a Gift Aid Declaration.

Cash Donations

If you are attending a Sunday morning church service you can make a cash donation via a plate at the back of the church. We do not pass round a plate during church services.

Online Donations

To make an online donation, please go to our GiveALittle page here.

This will take you to the Give A Little website, which will open in a new tab.

Bank Transfer

If you prefer to donate via bank transfer, here are the details of our bank account:

Bank:                           National Westminster Bank

Sort Code:                   60-80-06

Account Number:        70811318

Account Name:           PCC Taunton St James

If you are making a donation via bank transfer, please also email the church office to let us know who you are so that we can thank you!


From time to time we receive legacies from the estates of both church members and other well-wishers. Unless the legacy is for something specific, we keep the money in our Projects Fund rather than lose sight of it in within the general running expenses. Projects can be for all sorts of things: typically, refurbishing parts of the premises, enabling new community services to be started, or helping towards the employment of new staff members. The PCC prioritises our projects plan each year.

If you would like more information about including St James Church in your will, please contact our Planned Giving Officer.

If you are struggling financially

We do not expect church members who are struggling financially to give money that they need for other responsibilities, such as looking after their families.

If you are having problems managing debts, we recommend that you contact Taunton Area Debt Advice on 07 921 526087 or at

A Prayer

Gracious God, giver of all we have and hold as stewards; grant us a deep and abiding awareness that all things come from you – our health, our incomes, our jobs, our talents and our generous impulse. Send your Holy Spirit to help us as we swim against the rising tides of materialism, envy, individualism and greed in our culture.

When we are tempted to think of money as a private matter, remind us that you have asked for part of what we are given, to be returned to you as a symbol of our awareness that you give all we have. And further, help us to help each other in this grace of giving, for you are the lover of our souls and call us to nothing less than transformation in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Church Office (general enquires)      


Planned Giving Officer                      

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