Vision and Values

Here at St James, we know the importance of having a vision that allows the church to have the inspiration and focus to fulfil God’s will. Below are some of the key points regarding our church vision.

How do we see the future?

Our intention is to grow in number and in depth and to seek the transformation and renewal of our lives, our town and our world.

At St James, we want to grow a community of believers, from all ages and all walks of life, who want to be apprentices of Jesus together and live in the power of God’s Spirit.  We see this growing community as a place of belonging, fellowship and learning.  We believe that as we encounter the transforming love of God displayed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we will discern more of God’s amazing purposes for our lives, our town and our world.

How we do that?

As a Church of England faith community firmly rooted in the Evangelical tradition:

  • We seek to reflect the five marks of mission discerned by our Anglican tradition
  • We have discerned eight principles that guide our common life
  • We are firmly grounded in the life of God learning to Encounter God in all we do, to Grow as followers of Jesus and to Participate in the life of his Spirit.

The five marks of mission

  • We seek to be God’s people in sharing the good news of Jesus everywhere.
  • We seek to grow in faith, following Jesus and doing the kind of things he did.
  • We seek to be with people in need.
  • We seek to stand up for what is right.
  • We seek to care for all God’s creation.

The principles that guide our life

Rooted in Prayer, the Bible and the life of Jesus
Walls downRelevant to our friends and our community
Branches outConnecting with our friends and our community
All involved Learning to play your part
PioneeringExploring new ways of showing love and being church
Generous givingGiving with gladness
Fun and FoodFriendship, Connecting and sharing
PartnershipDoing life together

The God we honour and in whom we live, is Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Encountering God

Individually we are regularly making space to encounter God.  Collectively our church services, activities and events are places where people can encounter God.

Growing as followers of Jesus 

What I do and how I live is an outworking of my relationship with Jesus.  I seek to live the kind of life that Jesus would live if he was me.  Collectively we seek to express his intentions and his life in all we do and say. 

Participating in the life of his Spirit 

My work and my commitments to my family, the community and the church are done in the power and with the abilities given to me through his Spirit.  Through its ministries the St James faith community is spreading God’s life, creativity, beauty and saving intentions in the world.

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