We have three worship services at present:
+ Every Sunday Morning at 10.30am
+ Fortnightly on Sunday Afternoons at 2.30pm – Hymns & Tea – traditional hymns led by the organ
+ Monthly on Sunday Evenings at 7pm – The Room – contemporary band-led worship
Read on for details …

Join us for our 10.30 Sunday service!

We all start together, then Children’s Church continues in the hall. Every other week the service includes Holy Communion. After the service, tea and coffee are served, and the Prayer Ministry team is available if you would like them to pray with you.

If you are new to church
We appeciate that it can be daunting to come to a new place for the first time. Our Welcome Team will be looking out for new faces and will put you on the right track. If you arrive ten or fifteen minutes before the service, it will be less busy and this will give you time to get settled. (And it gives you time to locate the all-important toilets, which are in the corridor leading off the back of church on the left-hand side.)

Our services are fairly informal
Nobody dresses up, you can sit where you wish and when the congregation is asked to do something, it will usually be explained rather than expecting you to know. All the service materials will be on the screen, so you don’t need to find your way around strange books. All parts of the service are in plain, modern language.

There will be songs for us all to sing, led by our musicians and singers. We use a wide range of old and new songs, all of which are ‘singable’ by the congregation. That means you could be learning something brand new alongside everyone else!

At present, the church is set out in four sections:
The left-hand (north) aisle has some of its seats set out in twos and threes with tables in between. If you are uncomfortable sitting close to others, then this might be the place for you.
The centre section has standard rows of seats.
The right-hand (south) aisle has groups of seats primarily for families, but visitors and newcomers are welcome to use them as it’s often easier to find a place here. We are still experimenting with the layout here.
The Creche Area is at the back of the right-hand aisle, with comfy sofas and toys.
Wheelchairs are accommodated at the front of the north and south aisles. The number varies a little from week to week, so do ask one of the welcomers to find a space for you. If you want to put your chair at the end of a row anywhere, do ask someone to move a chair out of the way.

The service is livestreamed on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel.
It should pop up around 10:20, to give you time to get settled before the service proper starts at 10:30. Our musicians will be playing some music in these first ten minutes or so before the service.
NB, we have been having issues livestreaming to Facebook recently, so have switched to YouTube. We haven’t decided if this will be a permanent change. We’ll post on Facebook before each service to say where we’ll be online.

You can watch the service later:
Facebook or YouTube – the livestream recording will remain there after the service is over.
Bible Bytes Podcast – an audio-only track of just the readings and the talk, posted a day or so after the service.
YouTube – A tidied-up version of the live recording will be posted one or two days after the service. This shortens the lead-in time, removes pauses (e.g. when communion is being served) and attends to any technical hiccups.
DVD – we produce a small number of DVDs for church members who do not have the internet, or find it diffcult to go beyond using email. Please ask if you know someone who might like to receive a DVD each week.

Hymns and Tea – fortnightly

Hymns and Tea is not a “service” as such (there’s no sermon!), but is a sequence of more traditional hymns (led by the organ) interspersed by readings. Importantly, We have tea and cakes afterwards! It happens every other Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm and the tea and chat is usually finished by 4pm. Please check the latest bulletin (accessed from the home page of this website) for the dates.

The Room – monthly

The Room is a new informal service at Sunday evenings at 7pm in our Large Hall. A band leads contemporary worship (including new songs) with readings and reflections.

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